Equinox news 20 December 2023

International recruitment and Mexican getaway: A winning combination at expo Québec Vert

Stéphanie Hamel au salon expo Quebec vert

The recent Expo Québec Vert saw a gathering of professionals in horticulture and seasonal employment. Our presence at the expo not only reinforced our status as a leader in international recruitment but also showcased our prowess as a licensed travel agency through the organization of our prize draw, offering two plane tickets as the grand prize.

Meeting horticulture professionals

Our booth served as a meeting point for many visitors, interested in our international recruitment services tailored specifically for horticultural professions. Understanding that each
sector has its unique requirements, we offer customized solutions to meet the distinct needs of horticulture.

Expert advice from Anthony Chiasson-Leblanc

Our co-founder, Anthony Chiasson-Leblanc, hosted a conference titled ”4 Steps to Success with Temporary Foreign Workers”. Sharing his expertise and knowledge, Anthony highlighted key strategies for successfully integrating foreign workers, underscoring the importance of proper planning and management in this complex process.

A prize draw capped by a happy winner

One of the highlights of the expo was our prize draw, where Patrick Gauthier from GTL Paysagiste won two round-trip plane tickets to Mexico. It was a pleasure to witness the enthusiasm and active participation of the visitors, perfectly illustrating the spirit of community and collaboration that prevails in the industry.

Mexico: A landscape of beauty and historical heritage

In line with our prize draw, we highlighted the wonders of Mexico. From its majestic pyramids to its dreamy beaches, Mexico is not just a popular tourist destination but also a reservoir of skilled labor for the horticultural sector in Quebec.

At Equinox World, connecting global talent with Canadian businesses.

Our mission at Equinox World is to connect talents from around the world with Canadian businesses, providing high-quality international recruitment solutions. For more information